Our Equipment
Offering UV tanning beds and stand-up booths.
A variety of options and features to help you achieve the best tanning results.
Level 5

level 1
15 minute max
​The SunSector is a Level 1 tanning bed perfect for those who are fair skinned and prone to burning. 5,000 Watts of total tanning power. 1500 Watts of facial intensive tanning power.

level 2
Sun Capsule 200
58 VHR lamps (VHR means Very High Reflective)
10 minute quick, speedy sessions
Breezy fan keeps you cool and comfortable
Attached dressing room for your privacy

level 3
Ergoline 500
12 min max
3 x 500-Watt Ultra Performance Plus Facial Tanners with Glass Reflector System
43 x 160-Watt Turbo Power UV Lamps
Lamp length: 71 inches
Reflector Neck Tanner

level 4
Ergoline Prestige 1100
10 min max
Body Lamps: 52 x 200W
Face Lamps: 4 x 520W Ultra + 3 x 8W
Shoulder Tanners: 2 x 250W
Reflector Neck Tanners
Climatronic Plus
Voice Guide
3D Sound Unit (SD card slot, Mp3)
Aqua Fresh
Air Function
Hot air extract

level 5
KBL P9S Hybrid Sun
Deliver the perfect mix of UVA, UVB & Redlight spectrums of light to achieve an optimal balance between the desired tanning & skin care results
SunSphere Shoulder tanners
SunSphere Facials
BeautyBooster hyperRed
Automatic Climate Control/Air Conditioning
Aqua Cool water mist
Auto volume control and sound system.

4 color solutions and 4 treatment options that ensures the perfect result every time
Multiple features to maximize solution efficiency to get the most out of every session
Applies solution in a comforting mist with the heat of three redesigned spray nozzles and integrated heat parts